Twenty six years ago, I remember trying to source out a block of butter in the black markets of Kolkatta, India (yes, there is such a thing!) to make a cake for a special man who had then turned 19. Last week, with plenty of butter, cream and all sorts of richness on hand, I made yet another cake for him… That’s a lot of birthdays and even more cake these years gone by….This cake is ridiculously rich and finger licking good. It’s also really, really easy! I used Whittakers 62% Dark Cacao chocolate – dark and rich, but not overtly bitter (and thus keeping the minor aged population of the household happy!).
I used this recipe from Emiko and the only thing I did differently was adding the orange zest, and topping with the ganache. Will definitely be making it again! (I also loved her simple instructions and options on increasing the size of the cake!)
*Almond Meal 125 gms
Butter 125 gms
Dark Chocolate 125 gms
Caster Sugar 125 gms
Eggs 3 large
(at room temperature – yolks & whites separated)
Zest of 1 large orange
(I used a Navel orange)
*If you’re using whole almonds, pulverise them in a blender or food processor till fine.
Line and prepare an 8” cake tin – preferably a spring form pan so you can snap the sides off to get the cake out easily.
Pre-heat the oven to 160 degrees.
– Break the chocolate into chunks and melt in a bain marie or a double boiler. (Easy enough to use a glass or metal bowl in a sauce pan of boiling water. Just make sure you don’t get any water into the chocolate.)
– Keep the melted chocolate aside and allow to cool slightly.
– Whip the egg whites till stiff and keep aside.
– Using an electric beater, cream the butter, sugar till fluffy.
– Incorporate the melted chocolate and mix well.
– Put the yolks and mix again.
– Add in the almond meal and orange zest.
– When everything looks well mixed, add the stiffened egg whites and fold into the mixture, trying to keep as much of the air in the eggs as possible.
– Pour the batter into the prepared tin and bake in the centre of the oven for about 45 minutes (or till the cake feels springy to the touch, and a skewer comes out clean.)
Leave to cool thoroughly before topping with the the ganache.
(Or just sprinkle some icing sugar and serve with whipped cream or custard.)
Dark Chocolate 125 gms
Cream 125 mls
Zest of 1 large orange
Cointreau (optional) 1 couple of tbsps – or more!
– Chop the chocolate into small pieces (I find it handy to use a sharp, heavy knife and tackle the chocolate edge by edge till I get a bowl full of chocolate “filings”)
On a low to medium heat, in a heavy bottomed pan, slowly bring the cream & orange zest to a rolling boil.
Pour the hot cream over the shredded chocolate.
Using a whisk, mix the cream and the chocolate till glossy and smooth.
Add the cointreau (if using)
Let sit for a a few minutes till slightly cool and pour over the cake.
I then let it sit to set in the fridge overnight.
We served this with thick, creamy custard. It was just what was needed as an accompaniment.
Use a spring form pan with a loose base. It will make your life SO much easier if you can just pop the sides and slip the cake off.
(I forgot – yes, I know… and was grateful that I have OCD’s about how I prep my pans before baking. Made all the difference when I had to use a heated icing spatula, gingerly edge the cake and then tip it out – trying to get it out of the pan without any finger prints!)
This cake was SO rich, it lasted our family of five for 5 whole days!!! (And that is saying something about our family of sweet tooths!)