It’s not a very fashionable sauce anymore, but we love LOVE love homemade mayonnaise…. a good mayonnaise is the foundation of a fabulous sandwich & burger, a great salad dressing, to drizzle on your poached eggs, and just perfect even as a dip. Adding a teaspoonful of our favorite Hot Stuff curry oil takes it to a whole new level. Add some crushed garlic & pinch of freshly ground pepper for a decadent Aoili sauce.
*Yolks of 2 large eggs
* Neutral Oil 1 cup
* White Vinegar 2 tbsps
* Caster sugar 1 tsp
* Salt 1/2 tsp
* Mustard 1 tsp (I prefer using dried, whole mustard seeds which I pulverize in a mortar & pestle, but feel free to use 1/2 tsp of English mustard)
– separate the yolks into a bowl and mix on high roll creamy & fluffy (you really don’t want to skimp on this step or you risk chucking all your ingredients down the toilet!)
– when nice & creamy, keep adding a bit of oil at a time, making sure it’s all mixed in before you add some more
– when all the oil is well & truly incorporated and it looks like what mayonnaise is meant to look like, add the dry ingredients and give it all a final mix
– taste to see if it needs anything more in there
– transfer into a clean jar with a lid Keeps up to 2 weeks in the fridge.
I usually do a double batch once a fortnight and I always lick my fingers when I clean the edges